Thinking about downsizing, kids left home?

2 min read

There are many reasons that you and your family could be contemplating downsizing to a smaller property.  Maybe your children have left home and you and your partner are rattling around in a large empty house that no longer feels like a home? The key to a successful downsize is to get rid things you really don’t need or want anymore.  If you are going from a five bedroomed house to a three or even two-bedroom property then you definitely wont need to take all your big items of furniture.  Take the best bits and pieces, the comfortable beds, the solid well-made dressing tables and drawers, get rid of any thing that will no longer fit or is not in good repair.

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What storage space is there at the new property, does it have lots of built in cupboards? All these questions are best answered by an expert such as Estate Agents Gloucester and other similar companies.  They will all, no doubt advise you to keep any precious or sentimental items, don’t rush to give essential cutlery and china away as you will probably end up having to buy new.  When space is a priority in your smaller home think of clever and innovative ways to store items tidily and yet easy to find when needed.  If you gave a garage or other safe area to keep some of your boxes before you unpack them use it.

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