Places to put your radiator

3 min read

It can be costly and difficult to uninstall a radiator, so it makes sense to plan carefully where you will place them in terms of appearance and maximum efficiency, particularly if you are installing a new system.

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There are many handy methods for installing radiators, and finding the right places in the home is the first step toward a long-lasting, successful heating system.


Hallways see draughts as doors open and close and people pass through, and this main artery can lose a lot of heat. Radiators here can be eco-friendly in creating warm air, which can siphon heat through into adjacent rooms. Your hallway is the ideal place to showcase your new radiator designs.

Under the window

A radiator under a window will not lose heat as you might expect. In fact, this arrangement means that heat will not rise and leave the home. Instead, cold air entering the window will be infused with heat thanks to the rising warm air.

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If you have a particularly draughty window, it makes sense to place a radiator under it, therefore saving energy and employing draughts to best effect.

Never behind furniture

You will waste energy if you put a radiator behind a sofa. Hiding radiators by putting them behind furniture will lessen their heat output. Space-saving alternatives are vertical radiators, which use height rather than width.

Kitchen radiators

Heat fluctuates in a kitchen, so it is difficult to assess what arrangement will work best. With many appliances in the room exuding heat, the kitchen will probably not need heating to the same extent as the remainder of the house. Therefore, you should think about radiators with a dual fuel output. This means that you can alter your radiator from centrally heated like the other radiators in your home to electric, where it works independently of the other heating units in your home.

Ideal Home has some good advice on radiators and central heating systems.

Bathroom radiators

Bathroom radiators are similar to kitchen radiators in the sense that heat in this room fluctuates. Despite being one of the smallest rooms in the house, the demand is the biggest. Take a look at multi-functional radiators like towel rails, which act as storage, or investigate vertical options that can save space.

You can find a vast range of Aluminium Radiators UK manufactured that will work in a variety of different locations and rooms.

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