What Helpful Aids are there to use around your Home?

2 min read

As we get older and our minds and bodies can’t manage to do the things, they used to do, having helpful aids around your home to make things easier for you to still manage independently is a blessing. From long handled reaching aids to clever kitchen utensils, walking frames and grab rails there are dozens of helpful gadgets to make your lives easier as you grow older. If you are living in Somerset and can no longer manage to live independently at home then maybe Finding a Care Home in Taunton is the answer to your individual needs.  Any Care Home Taunton will provide the best level of Care you could ask for, so contact one of the professional Teams and arrange a visit.

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There are big buttoned and amplified telephones, magnifying glasses and even kettle tippers that can help when your eye sight and hearing deteriorate.  Long handled and lightweight grabbers help us to pick things up when we can no longer bend over, sturdy walking frames and useful wheeled trollies help us to get around and bring hot food and drink safely to our place at the table.

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If you are struggling in the kitchen with all the fiddly utensils then try some of the marvellous gadgets made specially to help arthritic fingers or stiff joints to open tins, bottles and storage containers.  Don’t continue to struggle alone when there are so many useful gadgets on the market to help you.

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