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This page is a translated version of a page Commons:Copyright rules and the translation is 56% complete. Changes to the translation template, respectively the source language can be submitted through Commons:Copyright rules and have to be approved by a translation administrator.



主页面: 共享資源:各種題材的著作權法規


上传是 OK的:

  • 一般來說,您為自己拍攝的不受版權保護的主題的照片,例如風景、自然、您自己(只要您不將其用作您的個人網絡空間)、已同意您拍攝它們並讓您發佈照片。
  • 您拍攝的照片或您對版權已過期(通常在作者去世70年後,但請參閱共享资源:各地著作权法规)的物品或設計製作的掃描件或影印件以了解國家/地區-國家清單)。
  • 僅僅是機械掃描或影印,由其他人製作,物體或設計足夠古老以進入公共領域(通常在作者去世後70年,但請參閱共享资源:各地著作权法规為國家/地區列表)。有關可能已增強的舊圖像的掃描,請參閱共享資源:何時使用PD-scan標籤
  • 照片,無論是您自己還是其他人拍攝的,都是2D公共領域藝術作品的忠實複製品。參見共享資源:何時使用PD-Art標籤

其他科目可能允許也可能不允許 – 請參閱共享資源:各種題材的著作權法規的標題。如果您想回答「我可以從...上傳照片/圖片嗎?」,請參閱 共享資源:各種題材的著作權法規中的網路圖像段落。另見:共享资源:原创门槛


假设你用相机拍了一张照片、或你从某处扫描了它、或你从网络服务器下载了它,然后你想把它上传到维基共享资源。你怎么知道什么是可以的?什么是不可以的?这里有一个简单的图表,可以帮助你做出判断。一旦有了疑问,请先阅读您所在国家的相关通知。如果你仍不确定,请在Commons:Help deskCommons:Village pump/zh上用当地语言询问。




  • 大自然(森林、天空等)
  • 動物(貓、狗等)
  • 昆蟲(螞蟻、甲蟲等)
  • 農產品(蘋果、西紅柿等)
  • 已同意發佈其圖像的人
  • 您(只要您不是將此用於您的私人網站空間),但這些照片不是其他人為您拍攝的(需要獲得拍攝這些照片的人的同意)
  • Objects that are public domain by age both in the United States and your jurisdiction:
    • Buildings built by an architect who died 70+ (preferably 100+) years ago
    • Works of art created by an artist who died 70+ (preferably 100+) years ago and first published before 1928
    • Books by authors who died 70+ (preferably 100+) years ago and first published before 1928
    • Newspapers and Magazines published by an author who died 70+ (preferably 100+) years ago and first published before 1928

Own scans of:

  • Material where copyright has expired in both your jurisdiction and the United States.
  • Pictures created entirely by you (based either on no earlier source or on a source which is in the public domain)

Material from web servers:

  • Material where copyright has expired in your jurisdiction, the United States and the jurisdiction of the web server.


All kinds of copyrighted material, when uploader does not own the copyright:

Photographs, drawings, scans and other reproductions of:

  • Cars (cars with only one color and without any ads, paintings etc. are OK)
  • Products of daily use (utilitarian designs are OK)
  • Book covers (only very simple designs are OK)
  • Currency (depends on country law; please see 共享资源:货币)
  • Stamps (depends on country law; please see 共享資源:郵票)
  • Buildings built by an architect who died less than 70 years ago or is still alive. See 共享资源:全景自由.


  • Fair use images. See 共享资源:合理使用.
  • Fan art that closely resembles copyrighted material. See 共享资源:粉丝艺术.
  • Reproductions of objects that are copyrighted by someone other than you, like the following:
    • Action figures, statuettes and other copyrighted material. See 共享资源:衍生作品.
    • Album, videogame, movie and other commercial products covers, posters, newspapers and magazines whose copyright has not expired (covers and interiors).
  • Sounds of things that are copyrighted by someone other than you, like the following:
    • Copyrighted radio stations (programs and commercials)
    • Lyric songs created by an author whose copyright has not expired


主页面: 共享资源:各地著作权法规
Worldwide map of copyright term length

Laws about copyright differ from country to country. Images uploaded to Commons, unless uploaded from the United States, involve the interaction of two or more copyright jurisdictions. The laws of individual countries differ especially in the following points:

  • The time for which a copyright applies. In most countries, copyright expires no later than 70 years after the death of the author (p.m.a.). There may be special terms for recently published old material.
  • Status of works of the government. In many (but not all) countries, documents published by the government for official use are in the public domain.
  • Material applicable for copyright. In some jurisdictions, pictures of artistic work like architecture, sculptures, clothing etc. can not be used freely without the consent of the creator of the original artwork.

Almost all countries in the world are party to the Berne Convention for the Protection of Literary and Artistic Works (see here for the text). Following this convention, countries enforce copyrights from other countries, according to certain rules. One consequence of these rules is that we should always care about the laws of the country of origin of the work.

Dealing with uncertainty



Assume the most recent possible date considering the subject. The photo here shows Albert Einstein and his wife Elsa. Elsa died on December 20, 1936; Albert later on April 18, 1955. Therefore, it was taken before December 20, 1936.


Assume the most restrictive reasonably possible location considering the subject. In the Einstein photo here, it could be the United States, Germany, the Atlantic Ocean (assuming the Einstein couple was on board a ship) or any other country or location he reasonably could have gotten a photo taken in, but it would not likely be Nepal, for example.


Assume the most reasonable restrictive copyright barring evidence to the contrary. That is, unless the site or source itself asserts a freer set of rights (and you have good reason to believe they are not misapplying rights they do not have) assume the photographer retained all rights he legally could in his jurisdiction.

But the Berne Convention says that photographs are in the public domain 50 years after publication if the photographer is unknown. This applies unless a country has made a specific law.

Generally, for countries with copyright terms based on the death of the author, community consensus has found that it is safe to assume that the author died no more than 50 years after creating the work in cases where the author is unknown. This is encapsulated in the template {{PD-old-assumed}}.



Assume that the author of the image on the right is unknown to us, but not unknown in the copyright sense. We know that the image represents the ship Borda, which was scrapped in 1891. The image could have been taken that year by a 20-year-old man, who could die of old age in his 90s; this brings us to 1960. Assuming the normal terms for "works" apply and a 70-year long copyright term pma, the image would be covered by copyright until the 2030s. If the work was truly anonymous, then the copyright probably did not exceed 1891 + 70 = 1961, which means it is free if it was published before 1928 (or free in USA for other reasons).

Caution, not being able to find an author does not mean that the work is anonymous. It can mean that we did not search long enough or at the right place.



  • Commons:Wikilivres – 一个类似的网站,不是由维基媒体基金会运营,但允许在加拿大公共领域提供材料,其限制比美国要少