Telif aklama
Vikimedya Kommons'taki bütün eserler "telif hakkı sahipleri" tarafından özgür lisansla yayımlanmış olmalıdır. Eseri Kommons'a yükleyen kişi, telif hakkı sahibi değilse eserin özgür lisans altında yayımlandığını doğrulamak gerekir. Bu da e-posta aracılığıyla ya da kişinin kendi ağ sayfasında kamuya açık bir duyuruyla yapabilir.
Aklama nedir?
Aklama, bir nesneye içkin bazı niteliklerin o nesneden bazı yöntemlerle çıkarılması ya da gizlenmesidir. Elimizde kirli bir elbise olduğunu varsayalım. Bu durumda lekeyi, elbiseyi çamaşır makinesine atarak çıkarmak isteyeceğiz. Bu durumda istenmeyen nesne kir, yıkamak da aklama yöntemi olacaktır. Benzer şekilde çalıntı kredi kartıyla hediye çeki alındığı bir örnekte karttaki harcamaların takip edilebiliyor olması istenmeyen nesne, içindeki parayı çeke döndürme de aklama yöntemi olacaktır. Bu bağlamda da telif aklama, özgür lisanslı olmayan medyaların, bir başka ağ sayfasına ya da Kommons'a telif hakkı sahibinin izni alınmaksızın özgür lisanslıymışçasına yüklenmesidir.
License laundering is particularly common with photo sharing websites that allow their users to specify a free license for their images, such as Flickr or Picasa Web Albums. For this reason, the term Flickr washing to refer to license laundering via Flickr is also frequently used.
License laundering is problematic because it falsely presents as genuine a license for which the true copyright holder has not given their permission. Laundered licenses are thus difficult to detect as copyright violations, and indeed deceive good faith users who accept the illegitimate licenses at face value.
Detecting license laundering
If license laundering is suspected, even if the source user is claiming to be the copyright owner, the file should be nominated for deletion.
There are several ways to detect license laundering. One of the simplest is to search for the image—using keywords from its title/description or using an image search such as TinEye or Google Search by Image—and see if an official source website can be found. Usually, laundered files are available elsewhere on the web, although they may also be scanned from paper sources.
Another simple technique is to look at the other photos included in the same page or set at the source website. Look at EXIF metadata if it is available. Were the images taken at about the same time, using the same camera, in the same location? Do they have about the same resolution and exhibit the same artistic style or level of quality? Or are they all dramatically different? A hodgepodge of images points to reproduction of others' images without permission, while similar images suggest legitimacy.
Examine the source website to determine who uploaded the images. On sites like Flickr, this information may be available through the user's profile information. Such information can give hints to the identity and profession of the uploader. If the file is high quality, the uploader should be identifiable as a professional or skilled hobbyist. If the file depicts models or celebrities, the uploader should be someone who works with celebrities.
For works that are published on a third-party platform such as YouTube or Flickr from an account claiming to belong to an organisation or well known person, check if the account is "Verified" by the third-party platform. The absence of a "Verified" status is not by itself problematic, but rather provides some weighting to arguments about whether license laundering may be occurring.
For works that are published on a third-party platform such as YouTube or Flickr from an account claiming to be officially affiliated with an organisation or well known person, check if the official webpage for the organisation or person has a link to the third-party platform account. Otherwise, check if the official social media accounts or blogs of the organisation or person are sharing content from the third-party platform account. Such links either prove or disprove a connection between the organisation or person and the third-party platform account.
Finally, it is often useful to contact the source website (e.g., message the Flickr user) and politely ask where they obtained the image in question. Often the person who borrowed the image will be happy to disclose that they are not in fact the copyright holder, and merely copied the image from elsewhere.