Getting back into dating

2 min read

Going through a break-up or divorce can feel like the end of the world. However, as time passes, you will no doubt reach the point when you feel ready to get back out there. Here are some helpful hints to get back into dating:

It’s ok to use dating apps

Millions of single people worldwide cannot be wrong, so go ahead and create a profile on several different dating applications. These are a great tool to efficiently locate many other single people nearby and find people who are looking for a date. Update your photos, keep your personal details brief and chats to the point. You may very well meet not someone through an application, but a little practice won’t hurt.

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When getting sexually active with a new partner, it’s always wise to get checked. For Chlamydia Testing kits Greenwich, visit a site like

Coffee Date

There are many benefits to going on a coffee date during the day as opposed to an evening drink. It is always better to get to know someone when you’re sober and it’s easier to avoid awkward sexual advances that you may not feel ready for or interested in! Coffee is cheaper than booze, plus if you get on well in daylight then that bodes very well for the future.

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Know your limits

Do not do anything you do not want to do or makes you feel uncomfortable. Understand what is your comfort zone and stay within the boundaries. You do not have to stay for another drink, meet again or accept unwanted sexual advances. You do not need to be rude, but you must respect yourself above all else. If you are not happy then leave.

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