Commons:Undeletion requests

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On this page, users can ask for a deleted page or file (hereafter, "file") to be restored. Users can comment on requests by leaving remarks such as keep deleted or undelete along with their reasoning.

This page is not part of Wikipedia. This page is about the content of Wikimedia Commons, a repository of free media files used by Wikipedia and other Wikimedia projects. Wikimedia Commons does not host encyclopedia articles. To request undeletion of an article or other content which was deleted from the English Wikipedia edition, see the deletion review page on that project.

Finding out why a file was deleted

First, check the deletion log and find out why the file was deleted. Also use the What links here feature to see if there are any discussions linking to the deleted file. If you uploaded the file, see if there are any messages on your user talk page explaining the deletion. Secondly, please read the deletion policy, the project scope policy, and the licensing policy again to find out why the file might not be allowed on Commons.

If the reason given is not clear or you dispute it, you can contact the deleting administrator to ask them to explain or give them new evidence against the reason for deletion. You can also contact any other active administrator (perhaps one that speaks your native language)—most should be happy to help, and if a mistake had been made, rectify the situation.

Appealing a deletion

Deletions which are correct based on the current deletion, project scope and licensing policies will not be undone. Proposals to change the policies may be done on their talk pages.

If you believe the file in question was neither a copyright violation nor outside the current project scope:

  • You may want to discuss with the administrator who deleted the file. You can ask the administrator for a detailed explanation or show evidence to support undeletion.
  • If you do not wish to contact anyone directly, or if an individual administrator has declined undeletion, or if you want an opportunity for more people to participate in the discussion, you can request undeletion on this page.
  • If the file was deleted for missing evidence of licensing permission from the copyright holder, please follow the procedure for submitting permission evidence. If you have already done that, there is no need to request undeletion here. If the submitted permission is in order, the file will be restored when the permission is processed. Please be patient, as this may take several weeks depending on the current workload and available volunteers.
  • If some information is missing in the deleted image description, you may be asked some questions. It is generally expected that such questions are responded in the following 24 hours.

Temporary undeletion

Files may be temporarily undeleted either to assist an undeletion discussion of that file or to allow transfer to a project that permits fair use. Use the template {{Request temporary undeletion}} in the relevant undeletion request, and provide an explanation.

  1. if the temporary undeletion is to assist discussion, explain why it would be useful for the discussion to undelete the file temporarily, or
  2. if the temporary undeletion is to allow transfer to a fair use project, state which project you intend to transfer the file to and link to the project's fair use statement.

To assist discussion

Files may be temporarily undeleted to assist discussion if it is difficult for users to decide on whether an undeletion request should be granted without having access to the file. Where a description of the file or quotation from the file description page is sufficient, an administrator may provide this instead of granting the temporary undeletion request. Requests may be rejected if it is felt that the usefulness to the discussion is outweighed by other factors (such as restoring, even temporarily, files where there are substantial concerns relating to Commons:Photographs of identifiable people). Files temporarily undeleted to assist discussion will be deleted again after thirty days, or when the undeletion request is closed (whichever is sooner).

To allow transfer of fair use content to another project

Unlike English Wikipedia and a few other Wikimedia projects, Commons does not accept non-free content with reference to fair use provisions. If a deleted file meets the fair use requirements of another Wikimedia project, users can request temporary undeletion in order to transfer the file there. These requests can usually be handled speedily (without discussion). Files temporarily undeleted for transfer purposes will be deleted again after two days. When requesting temporary undeletion, please state which project you intend to transfer the file to and link to the project's fair use statement.

Projects that accept fair use
* Wikipedia: alsarbarbnbebe-taraskcaeleneteofafifrfrrhehrhyidisitjalbltlvmkmsptroruslsrthtrttukvizh+/−

Note: This list might be outdated. For a more complete list, see meta:Non-free content (this page was last updated: March 2014.) Note also: Multiple projects (such as the ml, sa, and si Wikipedias) are listed there as "yes" without policy links.

Adding a request

First, ensure that you have attempted to find out why the file was deleted. Next, please read these instructions for how to write the request before proceeding to add it:

  • Do not request undeletion of a file that has not been deleted.
  • Do not post e-mail or telephone numbers to yourself or others.
  • In the Subject: field, enter an appropriate subject. If you are requesting undeletion of a single file, a heading like [[:File:DeletedFile.jpg]] is advisable. (Remember the initial colon in the link.)
  • Identify the file(s) for which you are requesting undeletion and provide image links (see above). If you don't know the exact name, give as much information as you can. Requests that fail to provide information about what is to be undeleted may be archived without further notice.
  • State the reason(s) for the requested undeletion.
  • Sign your request using four tilde characters (~~~~). If you have an account at Commons, log in first. If you were the one to upload the file in question, this can help administrators to identify it.

Add the request to the bottom of the page. Click here to open the page where you should add your request. Alternatively, you can click the "edit" link next to the current date below. Watch your request's section for updates.

Closing discussions

In general, discussions should be closed only by administrators.


Closed undeletion debates are archived daily.

Current requests

Please restore the following pages:

Reason: This file had been deleted per this DR due to "Logos are not covered under {{PD-ROC-exempt}} or {{GWOIA}}" and then it was re-uploaded by User:人人生來平等.

However, according to the email response by the Taiwan Intellectual Property Office "故政府機關之部徽、署徽或局徽,如其形式係依法所制訂者,依著作權法第9條,不得為著作權之標的。" (English Machine Translation: "Therefore, the emblems of ministries, departments or bureaus of government agencies, if their forms are made in accordance with the law, shall not be the subject of copyright in accordance with Article 9 of the Copyright Law." ) Since this logo is the Seal of Ministry of National Defense, in my opinion, it is not copyrighted and is covered under {{PD-ROC-exempt}} . The previous delete decision should be overturned and the previous page history also need to be recovered. cc @Wcam, Mdaniels5757, and Ericliu1912: Thanks. SCP-2000 18:44, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

@SCP-2000: If the emblem is made in accordance with the law, such law needs to be specified. In the email you quote, the national flag is defined in 中華民國國徽國旗法第4條, and the Taipei City's seal is defined in 臺北市市徽市旗設置自治條例第4條. A seal/emblem/logo is only in the PD if it is based on a law. Wcam (talk) 19:16, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
OK, it is based on 《陸海空軍軍旗條例施行細則》第五條. Looks ok to keep. --Wcam (talk) 19:18, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
 Support. (And should recover all revision history altogether) —— Eric LiuTalk 23:38, 24 October 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
The revision history of File:Seal of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of China.svg should be merged with this file if the latter get restored. —— Eric LiuTalk 10:22, 19 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Bonjour, désolé je ne suis pas un spécialiste de wikipedia mais je ne comprends pas pourquoi la photo dont je suis l'auteur a été refusée sur la page de "Nicolas et Bruno" que j'actualise régulièrement.

Je me suis sans doute trompé dans la définition de la licence. Je souhaite que cette photo soit libre de droit, dans le domaine public, sans restriction d'un quelconque copyright.

Parallèlement on m'a informé que ma photo a été utilisée sur le site Focus-cinema, mais à l'époque avec mon autorisation. >>>> Reason for the nomination: file under copyright (See

Pouvez-vous m'aider et me donner la procédure pour que ma modification soit possible? Ou pouvez-vous le faire vous-même?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide! — Preceding unsigned comment added by FilmsChecker (talk • contribs) 15:40, 6 November 2023 (UTC) (UTC)Reply[reply]

@FilmsChecker: Bonjour,
Avez-vous l'image originale ? Si oui, vous pourriez l'importer pour prouver que vous êtes bien le photographe. Si non, il faudra confirmer la licence par email en suivant la procédure à COM:VRT/fr. Cordialement, Yann (talk) 15:40, 6 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Merci Yann pour votre réponse! Ça y est, je crois que ça a fonctionné!! Merci beaucoup. FilmsChecker (talk) 09:45, 8 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

 Oppose The image as uploaded has a black border and appears in a number of places on the web. It is only 640px square. .     Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 13:47, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

 Question Isn't this resolution a standard for this camera model? Ankry (talk) 17:00, 9 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Aha -- I think you are probably right, but it does appear in a number of places without a free license. .     Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 23:18, 12 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
Do any of those other places include the EXIF? The one I found does not. Carl Lindberg (talk) 00:32, 14 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

The undeletion discussion in the following section is now closed. Please do not make any edits to this archive.

Protocolo de Puerto España

This is just to report that article “Protocolo de Puerto España” has come under censuring attack by user taichi since last week. First, user taichi started by deleting Venezuelan newspaper images under the presumption that they might constitute a breach of copyrights laws. However, Article 47 of current Venezuelan copyrights regulation -Ley sobre el Derecho de Autor- states that if properly attributed, it allows both free diffusion or content transmission of such newspaper and magazines articles or radio broadcasts as they report on daily economic, social, religious, cultural and political events. Thus, they do not constitute journalistic ops or intellectual production which are subject to author´s permission and copyrights-.

Please be aware that Venezuela and United Kingdon have confronted a border dispute since 1899 when an arbitration award established a border with British Guyana. Just months prior to Guyana independence in 1966, they all signed the Geneva agreement to resolve the border issue by peaceful means. After failed attempts of direct negotiations, UN Secretariat send the case to the International Court of Justice. Thus, there is a current case on the validity of the 1899 arbitration award. Censured images by user taichi shows Venezuelan handling of the border dispute in the past that clearly contradicts current narrative on its compliance of Geneva agreement. Thus deletion timing seems politically motivated as it limits the spread of historical facts to the Spanish Speaking audience; Oddly, deletion of content happened on the very same day that Venezuelan government attended an oral questioning at the International Court of Justice on its upcoming consultative referendum on December 3rd, 2023. Unlike Guyanese people who have access to previous and current ICJ decisions and orders, Spanish speaking Venezuelans have had no information on such meaningful documents in both English and French. Current narrative by Venezuelan government resorts to historical negationism. Deleting content and censuring information is no surprise. On November, 19th 2023, Venezuelans attended a mock referendum on the issue.

Would you please restore deleted images and information on the Protocolo de Puerto España. As it is most likely that a restored article would come under censuring attacks again, would you please protect it or prevent its undue deletion. — Preceding unsigned comment added by Rahuldlucca ‎ (talk • contribs)

To clarify, the user has been reacting vehemently as anonymous IP accusing me of "censorship" (I'm not a Commons administrator and the files were deleted because were "fair use"). The nature of this request is flawed by the applicant's ignorance of the Wikimedia Commons policies. Taichi (talk) 02:57, 20 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
 Oppose First, User:Rahuldlucca must refrain from making ridiculous accusations. Wikipedia and Commons are not censored. We are concerned here only with copyright. If Rahuldlucca makes further similar false accusations, they may be blocked from editing here. I also note that the user has claimed to be the actual creator of some of their uploads when that was not true. Making false claims of authorship is a serious violation of Commons rules and may also lead to being blocked from editing here.
Second, Article 47 of the Venezuelan Law on Copyright does give the press and broadcasters the right to disseminate various information that would otherwise be copyrighted. However, Commons is not one of the users that have any rights under Article 47. Images on Commons must be free for any use by anybody anywhere, not just the press and broadcasts. .     Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 14:44, 20 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

 Not done: as per Jim. --Yann (talk) 16:43, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

The undeletion discussion in the following section is now closed. Please do not make any edits to this archive.

The picture ought to be old enough to use publically, also the picture isn't copyright claimed by anyone, therefore it's public use. Eimaivault (talk) 13:31, 20 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

 Oppose The subject is Saint Paisios of Mount Athos (1924-1994). The Turkish law is that for anonymous works, copyright lasts for 70 years after first publication, so if this was taken any time after 1953, it still has a Turkish copyright. It also has a US copyright which lasts for 95 years after first publication. The image shows a man much older than 30, so it is under copyright and will be for some time.

Also note that "also the picture isn't copyright claimed by anyone, therefore it's public use" is absolutely not correct. Copyright exists whether or not anyone has claimed it.      Jim . . . (Jameslwoodward) (talk to me) 14:29, 20 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

 Not done: as per Jim. --Yann (talk) 16:44, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

The undeletion discussion in the following section is now closed. Please do not make any edits to this archive.

Satellite pictures by IGN

Hi, As per [1], it seems that satellite pictures by IGN (French National Geographic Institute) are under a free license. See also ticket:2023110610004359. Yann (talk) 14:16, 20 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

✓ Done: @Yann: , FYI. --Abzeronow (talk) 16:05, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Hi, This discussion concluded that there is no reason to believe that the free license at the source of these files is not valid. This also applies to files published by Bandai Namco under a free license. Yann (talk) 17:44, 20 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

The discussion you linked to had the closing admin specifically say Bandai Namco was not trustworthy. I'd be inclined to undelete the ones which Bandai Namco had complete ownership on but not the others especially given the complexity of Japan's production committee model for animated works. Abzeronow (talk) 16:10, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
OK, fine with me. Yann (talk) 16:44, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

Age of Empires videos

Hi, This discussion concluded that there is no reason to believe that the free license at the source of these files is not valid. This also applies to files published by Age of Empires official account under a free license. Idem as above. Yann (talk) 19:23, 20 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

  • I'm inclined towards supporting this request even though there may have also been intent for this material to have a noncommercial restriction per the first DR. Abzeronow (talk) 16:13, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

This image was taken from this page: "The work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License".

 Oppose Non Commercial licenses are not accepted on Commons. All files must be free for anyone and any purpose. Yann (talk) 13:26, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

this file is my own work and is not obsolete — Preceding unsigned comment added by BP-Aegirsson (talk • contribs) 14:42, 21 November 2023‎ (UTC)Reply[reply]

I'm on the fence about whether this file is in scope. Abzeronow (talk) 16:17, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
 Oppose Per the reasons at Commons:Undeletion requests/Archive/2023-05#File:Lwtech inf amelioree.png. Thuresson (talk) 16:19, 21 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

And also:

I created the picture myself. So please restore it. — Preceding unsigned comment added by User85521 (talk • contribs) 01:36, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

  • User:User85521, I think that it would be a good idea for you to state here under which of the free licenses we recognize you plan to release this image. I always use public domain for my images. Geo Swan (talk) 09:11, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
  • @User85521: The problem is not who created the images, but who created the presented objects and where did they grant a free license for them? They do not seem to be more than 70 years old for copyright expiration. Ankry (talk) 09:10, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

The representant of the Neew Zealand National Party had failed to issue a timely permission, therefore the images have been deleted. Now permission is available, per Ticket#2023090110001204. So please restore all files in the category. Thanks, --Mussklprozz (talk) 09:11, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]

@Mussklprozz: Please specify the images or the uploader username. The category is empty. Ankry (talk) 09:14, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
@Ankry The uploader was me, on 2023-09-01. After uploading, i sent a mail to the National Party, asking them for a timely authorisation, which they failed to issue at the time.
Cheers Mussklprozz (talk) 09:31, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
@Ankry Sorry, i had posted a wrong file names list at first, which i now eliminated again. Mussklprozz (talk) 09:37, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
@Mussklprozz: here is list of your deleted files uploaded at that date; plese choose or confirm all:
Ankry (talk) 11:29, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]
@Ankry I need to ask the party for confirmation. Can you please temporarily restore them all, and I will write to them? Thanks again, Mussklprozz (talk) 11:33, 22 November 2023 (UTC)Reply[reply]